
If you have any non-urgent requests/queries please use our new E-CONSULT service and a clinician will respond by the end of the next working day if you submit a request before 10.30am.

NOTE - All eConsults are dealt with by staff at the surgery, not elsewhere, and now form a considerable part of our workload. As a result we'd be grateful if you would consider the impact of submitting an eConsult, if your problem is not one you would normally consult a doctor for, perhaps it's not something that warrants an eConsultation.

Please also refrain from using eConsult as a means of requesting a "call back" from a doctor. If you want to speak to someone, it's best to phone us directly.

If submitting an eConsult about a skin condition, we'd encourage you to utilise the ability to enclose photographs, thereby avoiding the need for us to ask you to resend photos with a second eConsult.

Click on the image opposite to access the system.